
Meet Tanis.

When Tanis was asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, she replied “A Massage Therapist.” After completing her BA at the University of Manitoba in her native Winnipeg, the opportunity to live, work and study at the Heartwood Institute of Massage in Northern California arose. In 1995, she began her journey into the world of massage and healing arts. Travels to South America and Asia reinforced her decision to become a healer.

In 1999, Tanis hiked the Appalachian Trail and fell in love with Western North Carolina and its laid back, outdoor lifestyle. In 2001, she became a certified Yoga instructor and completed her massage education in 2005. Since then she has been fortunate enough to work in a number of wonderful spas, both locally and internationally. She has continued to further her education in various forms of bodywork and is a licensed esthetician and skin care specialist.

Her goal is to relax the world – one person at a time.